ProductsNow for a reliable assessment of an ecological condition of water areas widely use the automated bioelectronic systems of early diagnostics and the prevention of threats of ecological safety. Such systems are based on diagnostics of a condition of representatives of a biota (its key types) in the specific studied ecosystem where negative impacts of natural and/or anthropogenous character already took place or there is a probability of such threats. Such systems can be used as for the purpose of biomonitoring of quality of surface waters of sea and fresh-water water areas, and biologically cleared drain waters. When using data of systems of biomonitoring for water quality control, arriving on intake structures of waterworks, the important economic problem - ensuring ecological safety of the population and its protection against ecological crime and terrorism is solved that now has special relevance. As biosensors in such systems it is possible to use benthic invertebrates (crayfish, crabs, mollusks), and implementation of noninvasive registration of functional characteristics requires availability from the chosen species of animals bioindicators of a tough outside skeleton (an armor, a sink). On it tiny fiber optic sensors of cardioactivity, and in case of shell mollusks, also motion sensors of shutters are installed. Thus registration of indicators is performed noninvasively. The size of disclosure of shutters characterizes filtrational activity of clams, and, therefore, and the level of their life activity in normal and in toxic environments. In the conditions of pollution, dangerous to an organism, the mollusk closes shutters, reducing probability of hit in its organism of harmful substances. List of products: |