Company profileThe company "Research Innovation Center "EcoContour" welcomes you on our website! Technologies of monitoring and environmental forecasting, prevention and elimination of its pollution, and also technology of the prevention and elimination of emergency situations of natural and technogenic character are included by the Decree of the Russian President No. 899 of 07.07.2011 in the list of critical technologies of the Russian Federation. Therefore development and implementation of analytical and bioanalytical express control methods of pollution of components of environment, including in real time, and also production of the tools providing possibility of their practical implementation in critical technologies belong to the priority scientific and technical and production tasks facing the enterprises of the Russian Federation now.
Since December, 2005 and till present all 11 water intake facilities of the waterworks of St. Petersburg, and since 2010 also water intake facilities of Vodokanal Municipal Unitary Enterprise of Khabarovsk are equipped with automatic bioelectronic systems of production biological monitoring of quality of «BIOARGUS-W» water of the Neva and Amur Rivers - sources of the centralized drinking water supply of the population. In the system of «BIOARGUS-W» as biosensors crawfishes and fishes are used. The real systems are put into production operation for the purpose of ensuring chemical and ecological safety of drinking water supply of the population as system early (within 10 min.) the biological notification about the inadmissible level of toxicity of the water arriving on water intakes of AF as a result of emergency and/or terrorist emergencies in zone of water intake of source of the centralized drinking water supply. In 2010 at one of the largest city stations of biological sewage treatment of St. Petersburg - Southwest Treatment Facilities (SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»), the bioelectronic «BIOARGUS-WW» system of the early biological notification about dynamics of change of quality of biologically purified waste water dumped to the Nevsky bay - the water area of fishery assignment of the 1st category is put into operation. In December, 2010 at plant on burning of sludges the system of production biological air quality monitoring «BIOARGUS-A» on border of sanitary protection zone of the enterprise in which as test organisms pulmonary snails are used is put into operation. In 2010-2011 on the basis of use of bioelectronic systems it was developed and there passed the international approbation the effective express method and technology of active bioindication of condition of ecosystems of sea and fresh-water water areas by assessment of adaptive ability of the invertebrates living in them to the standardized test influences. Our developments are protected by the corresponding patents and patents and noted by numerous аwards |